Saturday, March 29, 2014

My granddaughter

First Women's Conference for my 8 year old granddaughter

It was the first ever Women's Conference where girls ages 8 and up were invited.  I took my granddaughter who just turned 8 in October.  I loved it when they recognized all the girls around the world by having the 8 to 12 year old girls stand up.  It is truly amazing to be a part of the largest organization of women in the world.

Mom Texting

After the funny "Mom Texting" slides in class on Wednesday, I was remembering a texting conversation I had with one of my sons.  It started out because I wasn't happy that he went to the movies without texting me.  I thought he was at his friends house. When he got home I told my son, "The reason I pay for your phone is so that I will know where you are. You need to text me whenever you change locations."

A few minutes later these were the texts I received from my son:

"In the kitchen"

"In the living room"

"Kitchen again"


I had to laugh.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

2CELLOS - Thunderstruck [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

One of my favorite uses of media is YouTube. My sister came into town with her two daughters to visit our family. We were playing a game but decided to listen to music while we played the game. We ended up listening to a lot of different music on YouTube. This was one my sister introduced me to. It is more fun to watch it than just listen to it. They are pretty amazing!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Tonight You Belong to Me (Cover) - Me and my 4 y.o.

I love watching videos like this one. Kids are so amazing!!  This one is so cute because she is afraid of fireworks and she thinks she keeps hearing them so her dad is trying to distract her by getting her to sing.  It is just the cutest thing to watch.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Girls Age 8 and Up Women's Conference

This year all women ages 8 and up are invited to the General Women's Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I'm going to take my 8 year old granddaughter up to the meeting in the Conference Center. We are so excited for this historic meeting as it is the first time they are having all women meet together in the same meeting instead of having separate meetings for the Young Women and Relief Society sisters. (We are also doing a little shopping and having dinner together on our way :)

click here  To see details of the meeting

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My Son

My son turned 20 today.   He is currently serving a mission in Uruguay. I thought today about what life was like when I turned 20 and especially about the changes in the media over the past 34 years....a lot of good.....a lot of bad.  When I was 20 I was single and in college with much of life ahead.  Most of what I hoped for in a family has happened for me and I couldn't feel more blessed. As children came into my family I became more and more aware of the effects of the world on them and I realized that I had to become much more involved in what was happening around me. I wanted to be a voice for good and to "stand for truth and righteousness" I soon realized that I could do that without having to run for office and without even leaving home.  Even though I have been a leader of many organizations, I never felt like I had to be a leader in government to let my voice be heard.  We have more power and influence than we sometimes realize.  Let your voice be heard!!!

My son Elder Lacey

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Russian police — Get lucky cover (Daft Punk)

It's ironic how Russia is invading Ukraine but setting themselves up so we will be sympathetic toward their military.  Media can do a lot to change the view of what is really happening. We must be careful to discern what is really happening.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Miss Representation and Virtue: For Such a Time as This (Esther 4:14)

After watching the video today in class I'm sure many of us wonder what can be done to stop the sexualization of women. I know that we have been born on this earth "for such a time as this" We can make a difference.  How wonderful it is that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches women who they really are. We are daughters of Deity, God, Our Heavenly Father.  We can be an example to other women who do not know the blessings of living a virtuous life. I learned a poem when I was 12 years old that I like to remember when I feel like the world is so big that I simply cannot make a difference. It is titled "I Am Only One"

I am only one.
But still, I am one
I cannot do everything
But still, I can do something
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.

The best thing we as women can do to stop the sexualization of women is to first stop watching it.  We are at least half of the population.  Imagine if every woman refused to watch anything on TV that sexualized women.  It's the basic law of supply and demand.  No more demand for more supply. It can happen one conscientious person at a time.

I love this video.  It talks about the power that even one individual has to make a difference.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Highest Jump off Waterfall, 110 feet

My son Sam is so crazy when it comes to jumping.  I don't know why but he gets such a thrill from jumping off things.  This was insane though, he really could have died.  He jumped off of this 110 foot waterfall.  Some random guy was there (This was in Havasu at the bottom of the Grand Canyon) and he happened to film it and post it on YouTube.

National Anthem by Lexi Walker

I love America!  What a blessing to live in a country where we have such great freedom and where we can especially be free to worship as we choose.  May we stand strong in retaining those freedoms no matter the cost.

Here is amazing Lexi Walker singing our National Anthem.